9 Amazing And Proudfull Things You Should Know About Pakistan

Pakistan Is GOD Gifted Place To Us, But Lack Of Information About Pakistan We Can't Imagine How Our Country Is Beautiful And How Much Interesting Things It Have. Pakistan Has Many Of Things Which Can Compete With Other Countries. Here We Have  9 Proud-full Things About Pakistan

1 : Pakistan Has Second Highest Mountain In The World. That Is K2

2 : World's Largest Irrigation System Is In Pakistan

3 :Pakistan Has Gawadar Deep Sea, Which Is World's Largest Deep Sea Port

4 : Karakoram Highway Is World's Highest Paved International Road, Also 8th Wonder Of The World

5 : Pakistan Has Khewra Mine, Which Is 2nd Largest Salt Mine

6 : Pakistan Has One Of The Largest Desert In World, Thar Desert

7 : World's Highest Pool Ground Is In Pakistan

8 : World's Most Trained Air Force Pilots Are In Pakistan

9 : Pakistani National Anthem Tune Is In Top Three Tunes Of The World