This Unbelievable Rabbit Will Blow Your Mind

The angora rabbit is the world's most fluffiest bunny, bred for it's extremely long wool. this will blow your mind as this rabbit is really so beautiful and cute. You will wish to take this one at your home. Watch it's pics.

OMG - These 7 True FACTS Will Force You To Think About It

There are many truths in this world which is totally unbelievable. But here are some of that interesting truths which will really give your all the attraction and force you to think about it. see and read about these true facts.

1 --

If you eat lots carrots, you'll start to turn orange.

 2 --

In 1961, the only surgeon in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition, Leonid Rogozov, Removed his own inflamed appendix under local anesthesia

 3 --

In1945, a man survived the atomic blast at Hiroshima, dragged himself to an air-raid shelter, spent the night, caught the morning train so he could arrive at his Job on time - in Negasaki - where he survived anther atomic blast

 4 -- 

There are coffee houses in Russia where food and drink are freem But you pay for time

 5 --

Megalodon was biggest shark that ever existed. It was larger than the average city bus and could bite down with a force between 10.8 and 18.2 tons - enough to crush a prehistoric whale's skull as easilu as a grape

 6 -- 

Hippos secrete a red-pink fluid, dubbed -blood sweat- which acts as a skin moisturizer, water repellent, and antibiotic.

 7 -- 

Army ants are used as ''natural sutures'' their jaws are so powerful, natives staple wounds by forcing ants to bite them and break off the body

These Beautiful Mini Donkeys Will Force You To Say WHAAAAO - Watch It

Donkeys are supposed to be ugly animals. No one desire to hear his voice as it is very un pleasant and bad. Everyone hates donkey's voice. Not just voice but personality also very un pleasant. But in these pictures, You'll see the real beauty of these mini donkeys, Your eyes will not believe on these beautiful donkeys. They seems like cute puppies. Watch these pics and see the real beauty of donkeys.

Whao - 24 Pictures Of Parents And Their Children At The Same Age

As we know that children is always looking alike their parents, some looking in some things, but some looks very same with their parents even this become harder to distinguish between picture of parent and child at the same age, Here are some of the pics of parents and their children at same age and they are really looking awesome.

These 20 Pictures Needs An Explanation And Will Force You To Say WTH Is Happening There

These pics are really epic and awesome, every pic is out of our mind, we can't take any one exact idea about what is happening there, this part make these pics so amazing and funny.After watching these pics, you guys will really appreciate the people who take this and done this,Just watch these pics and share your comment about it below.

1 - Oh Boy what are you doing there and how you are there?

2 - what the hell is this man doing? sleeping or back laying 

3 - Helo owner, i like your house the most (from that one black car)

4 - OMG - this truck container is ready to fly.

5 - how cute is this spider puppy, nice try cute spider dog

6 - oh oh. i have to open this Tyre before the owner come

7 - Parking problem? no problem you can also try it - hehehehe

8 - I am a gymnasium, wait a second this is only my morning exercise.

9 - Oh Whaao, now some countries doing a great work for sharks, hehehehe

10 - This red car is a super comes which is just comes from sky and got stuck into this.

11 - You can destroy your wastage even your red car - hehehe

12 - huhhh.. the water is so cold, i have to first wet my head (from that one car)

13 - I have a super rocket in my truck engine, i just tried it but went wrong.

14 - Dear train, please don't take me wrong i am your big brother.

15 - yeah, now this called what a road train

16 - Don't have a chair lift? no problem i can do it for myself - hehehehe

17 - Is this traffic jam is a planned jam? i think so

18 - If there is a parking problem.. Then there is a no problem

19 - i can park my jeep very well, even in a very low place

20 - I am a gymnasium and i just completing my rob exercises ( from that one white car)